18 Double Exposure Wedding Photo Ideas

Double exposure, also known as multiple exposures, is a popular technique among photographers to create an ethereal, dream-like effect. This technique involves overlaying two or more images to create a unique composition. It can be done in-camera while shooting or by combining multiple images in post-production.

Wedding photographers have embraced this trend in recent years and have been able to produce some truly stunning work. They have used this technique to create captivating and romantic imagery that tells the love story of the couple. These double exposure wedding photos are more than just art, they are real-life fairy tales.

To help you get a better understanding of this technique, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite double exposure wedding photos. These images will take your breath away and you’ll be sure to fall in love with the powerful storytelling that they convey. From the blending of the couple’s faces to the intertwining of nature and architecture, these photos are sure to inspire you.

So join us on this journey as we showcase the beauty of double exposure in wedding photography, and get ready to be mesmerized by the artistry and creativity of these photographers. Whether you’re a photographer looking to learn more about this technique or a couple planning your own wedding, these images will no doubt leave a lasting impression.

double exposure wedding photos
double exposure wedding photos
double exposure wedding photos
double exposure wedding photos
double exposure wedding photos
double exposure wedding photos
double exposure couples engagement beach and floral photoshoot
double exposure wedding photos
double exposure wedding photos


Double exposure wedding photography involves combining two or more images into one, creating a unique and artistic final image. Here are some steps to achieve a double exposure wedding photo:

  1. Take two different images that you want to combine. This can be two different poses of the bride and groom, or two different locations or scenes.
  2. Edit the images separately to make sure they are properly exposed and the colors are correct.
  3. Open both images in your editing software and place one image on top of the other.
  4. Change the blending mode of the top image to “lighten” or “screen” to make the bottom image visible through the top image.
  5. Adjust the opacity of the top image to control how much of the bottom image is visible.
  6. Use the eraser tool to remove any unwanted parts of the top image that are covering the bottom image.
  7. Use the Clone Stamp tool to remove any distracting elements from the final image.
  8. Use the Curves tool or other color adjustment tools to make sure the final image has the desired color balance.
  9. Export the final image in the desired resolution and format.

It’s important to note that double exposure photography can be a bit challenging, so it is recommended to have some experience in editing and photography. The final product can be very rewarding as it can bring an artistic touch to the pictures.