Top 30+ Wedding Photo Display Ideas for 2025

Whether you’re planning to incorporate your engagement photos into a photo display or using wedding photos at your reception, there’s no question that photos play an important role in the wedding experience. Here are some ideas to help you choose a memorable way to showcase those images on your big day:

Frame a Photo Backdrop

Whether you’re looking to create a photo backdrop or just want to add a little something extra to your wedding pictures, framing them can be a beautiful way to do so. Framed photos are really popular, and they’re not hard to make!

Frame the picture in either white or black. You can even use multiple frames if you want more than one photo displayed at once. Use large frames that show off the image well and allow people’s eyes to focus on it—don’t choose small ones that aren’t noticeable from afar. If you don’t want the frame taking up much space on your wall, consider using fabric instead of glass for the front of your frame (this will also save money). You may also want to use a mat with your photo so that it doesn’t get covered up by anything else in its surroundings (such as ribbons) later on down the line if/when people look at it again later on during their visit/staying over at someone else’s house etcetera…

rustic vintage wooden pallet wedding wall
DIY wedding photo display ideas with wooden frames
rustic green wooden pallet wedding wall backdrop
unique outdoor wedding photo display
vintage photo display ideas with frames & old wooden crates for outdoor wedding decor
Vintage Photo Display For Wedding

Create a Photo Wall

Use a large piece of fabric or paper to create your photo wall. Use photo clips or push pins to hang photos, and use a photo frame or two for added color.

A photo backdrop stand will prop up your photos in an easy-to-see way that’s not too heavy on decorating the space around it. It can also be used as its own accent piece, which is great if you’re looking for something more than just a simple backdrop!

DIY Polaroid Picture Wall
familiy photos display ideas for your wedding day

Make A Photo Mosaic

Photo mosaic is a collection of small pictures that create a larger picture. You can use the photos of your wedding guests or even photos you have taken together to make a photo mosaic.

You will need:

  • a large piece of cardboard or wood (approximately 2 ft x 4 ft)
  • several sheets of black paper for contrast (8.5×11 size works well)
  • glue stick or tape to hold the pictures in place

Hang Your Photos With String Lights

String lights are a great way to hang your photos. They’re also easy to find at any store and super affordable, so you can use them in many different ways. You could string lights on a table or hang them from the ceiling with the help of some tape or hooks, depending on how much space you have available. Either way, string lights will add ambiance and make your wedding photo display look very pretty!

rustic wooden pallets wedding photo display ideas
rustic wedding photo display ideas with wooden pallets
wedding photo display wood pallet backdrop

String Polaroids Along Twine

It’s time to start playing with your polaroids. You can display them in any number of ways, but we recommend having a grid pattern so that they look organized and cohesive.

To create this grid, you can use twine or string—we prefer twine because it adds texture to the photo display. Then, get started by placing your first piece of string along the top of your board and securing it at both ends (use nails). Next, add another piece of twine from the bottom left corner up to the top left corner. Repeat this process until you’ve made a horizontal line across your board where all pieces meet together at one point in the middle. Fill in these vertical spaces with more pieces of twine until there are no gaps between them (this will make for a much cleaner look).

Now that you have created four equal sections on each side of your board, it’s time to place your polaroids into each section!

Modern Way to Display Photos
rustic country wedding photo display
outdoor wedding photo display

Create a Hanging Photo Display

If your photos are printed on regular printer paper or photo paper, you will need to attach them in some way. Here are some common ways to hang a photo display:

  • Use a dowel rod (or other round item) and hang it from the ceiling. You can get away with using just about anything as long as it’s long enough to reach from the floor to your eyes when standing up straight.
  • Use string to tie different pieces of paper together and hang them on the wall or ceiling. You can also use ribbon for this purpose if you want something fancier than string!

Use Old Window Panes To Display Photos

If you have some old window panes lying around—or can scrounge them from a thrift store or flea market—they make for a great way to display photos at your wedding! You can buy frames that fit over the glass and glue the picture into place. Or, if you’re feeling crafty, try covering the glass with contact paper and adding lace trim around the edges of each pane (you could even use lace curtains as inspiration).

Old Window Wedding Photo Display Ideas for Outdoor Weddings
Old Window Wedding Photo Display Ideas for Outdoor Weddings


Create A Photo Ladder Display

For this photo display, you’ll need a ladder. And not just any old ladder: it should be sturdy, wide enough to fit your photos and have a flat top you can use for displaying them. If you want to go the extra mile, try using a library ladder or fireman’s ladder (you know, the ones with steps?).

The great thing about this display is how clean and simple it is—it doesn’t require any fancy materials or tools! You can use whatever kind of ladder fits your space best.

Rustic Wedding Photos and Wooden Pallets Inspired Display Ideas
Rustic Wedding Photos and Wooden Pallets Inspired Display Ideas

Build A Framed Fabric Backdrop For A DIY Hanging Photo Display

  • Use a large piece of fabric
  • Attach it to a frame that has a wire on the back, or use your own frame and attach the fabric to that wire
  • Hang it on your wall and add photos to the frame
Wedding Decorations Ideas with Hanging Pics
Wedding Decorations Ideas with Hanging Pics
outdoor vintage wedding photo display backdrop
rustic outdoor wooden wedding frames
outdoor wedding photo display

Display Photos In Beautiful Frames Around The Reception Area

The reception is a great place to display photos. It’s the last thing your guests will see before they leave, and it sets the mood for what happens next (if you’re not on their way to a night out at an after party).

A variety of frames in different sizes, shapes, colors and materials can help you create a unique photo display that looks beautiful from every angle! Try putting photos from different themes together in one frame — for example: all of the men with beards on one side and all of the ladies with short haircuts on another side.

You can also include other items in your display like flowers or feathers (if these are traditional parts of your wedding theme) or even small props like mustaches or top hats if those are important elements of what makes your wedding special.

rustic wooden pallets wedding photo display ideas
vintage wedding photo display
rustic wedding photo display ideas
rustic wedding photo display ideas

Integrate Photos Into Your Table Settings Or Seating Chart

  • Integrate photos into your table settings or seating chart.
  • If you go with a theme, consider adding photos of the couple at various points in their life to help create a narrative. For example, if they met while attending college together, add photos from the time they were students.
  • You can also use pictures to display information about each guest or include names on tables (for example, “Table 1”).

Here’s some ideas for your wedding photos

Here are some ideas for displaying your wedding photos:

  • Display them in beautiful frames around the reception area. You can use different sizes and shapes of frames, making them look more natural and less like an art gallery.
  • Integrate photos into your table settings or seating chart. If you have a picture of the two of you on one side of a mirror, it would be really cute to include that as part of your table setting!
  • Create a giant jenga game made out of wedding photos!
rustic wedding photo display ideas
rustic wedding photo display ideas
rustic wedding photo display ideas
rustic wedding photo display ideas
rustic wedding photo display ideas
rustic wedding photo display ideas


We hope these ideas will help you figure out how to display your wedding photos. It’s important that you keep in mind how much space you have and what kinds of photo displays would fit best. If you’re still on the hunt for more inspiration, check out our list of favorite wedding photo display ideas!


What are some popular ways to display wedding photos?

Some popular ways to display wedding photos include creating a gallery wall, displaying photos in frames on a mantel or bookshelf, using a digital photo frame, or creating a photo album.

How many photos should I display?

The number of photos to display depends on personal preference and the size of the display area. It’s a good idea to choose a mix of candid and posed photos to create a balanced display.

How should I choose which photos to display?

Choose photos that capture special moments and emotions. It’s also important to consider the quality of the photo and its relevance to the overall display.